7 Tips To Clean Your Car And Stay Virus Free – WAHDAH

Covid epidemics and some more serious infectious diseases, the threat of disease is always around us all the time. If you think going out with your car provides safety measures, know that it does not eliminate the risk of infection. You may get germs on your hands and touch the door handles, steering wheel, radio dial, etc. Germs will spread to those surfaces where they may infect others or even re-infect you after you wash. or clean your hands.
The Importance of Keeping Your Car Clean:
Our vehicles often become an extension of our homes and workplaces. As we move between different places, our cars can unknowingly become germs hotspots. By maintaining a clean car environment, you not only ensure a pleasant driving experience but also protect your health and that of your passengers. Follow these tips to keep your car clean!
7 tips to clean your car
Use the right cleaning tools
The right products can help kill viruses on surfaces such as plastic, leather, rubber and aluminium. Use a good quality cleaner for your car. You can use household cleaners and disinfectants, but make sure they are safe to use for certain surfaces in your car.
Skin, for example, can be damaged by specific products. Some disinfectants make the surface of the skin dry. You can use mild soap and water, then apply skin conditioner. This not only keeps the interior of your car germ-free. It is also a great way to reduce their spread.
Vacuum frequently
Dust particles accumulate in your vehicle. And because some germs stay longer, make sure you empty your car regularly. When you do, ensure the mats, rugs, and pedals are thoroughly cleaned. Car seats, although they can be vacuumed as well, should be disinfected and thoroughly cleaned. Do not skip this step. Ensure it is done once or twice a week to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and infection.
Focus on high contact surfaces
Some surfaces in your car are touched more often than others. These are places that your hands and fingers touch all the time, like the steering wheel, screen, buttons, gear shifter and knobs, among others.
Reduce your risk of getting viruses and infections by cleaning these surfaces thoroughly using an internal cleaner.
Don’t forget the area at the top of the dashboard, as it is the main place to accommodate germs and microorganisms. The air circulating the car sweeps the windshield and eventually sticks to the dashboard.
Clean your car carpet
Having a clean carpet is essential in helping you reduce the chances of getting sick. It also makes your trip more comfortable. Vacuum your carpet, or if you can’t get a car vacuum, another suitable method is to use a terry cloth or microfiber cloth in the cleaning. Spray disinfectant on a cloth and wipe on your carpet.
Do not skip the grey area
Even if some areas in your car aren’t touched as often as others, it’s still important to clean and disinfect them thoroughly as well. Areas such as headrests, headrests and window glass should not be skipped or ignored. Don’t forget to wipe the door handle from the inside and out as you come in contact with it every time you get out and get back into the car.
Keep sanitizer and disinfectant in your car
To keep yourself and your car protected from viruses, it is best to always use hand sanitizer and wet wipes. Clean your hands every time you get in your car before touching anything. Make sure you have a disinfectant in your car as well so that cleaning and disinfection can be done right away when necessary.
Disinfect your HVAC unit
The air distributed by your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) can carry viruses and infections. Therefore, disinfection of your HVAC unit is a must. Perform a thorough cleaning of the entire system, including the filter. It does not necessarily require professional expertise. You can remove the cabin filter from the back of the compartment and spray it with disinfectant.
Additional Tips:
Wear Disposable Gloves
Especially if coming from high-risk zones, gloves can minimize germ transfer. Ensure proper disposal post-use.
Limit Food Consumption Inside
Eating can leave residues attracting bacteria. If you must eat, clean thoroughly afterwards.
Educate Passengers
Ensure those travelling with you understand the importance of cleanliness. This is especially important for children who might touch multiple surfaces.
With or without the global health crisis, it is essential to keep cleanliness and sanitation a priority in your home and car. Follow these tips to keep your vehicle virus-free and protected from infection.